Preventing Stroller Theft at Theme Parks

Preventing Stroller Theft at Theme Parks

September 11, 2018

At Disney, Universal, and Sea World attractions, strollers are not allowed inside the attraction so you will have to park your stroller in a designated area and leave it unattended.

Whether you are renting a stroller or bringing your own, follow these tips to prevent theft:

1) Do not leave your things of value in the stroller. Be sure to always take your purse, wallet, car keys, souvenirs, phones, and tablets.

2) Mark your stroller with a colorful scarf or ribbon. Wrapping a ribbon around the length of the handlebar is a great theft deterrent because it makes your stroller stand out and it is difficult to remove quickly.

3) Remove a stroller wheel. If your stroller has easy-to-remove wheels, remove one and place it in the basket underneath the stroller. A thief looking to take a stroller will likely choose one where they can grab it quickly and go – he will not want to fumble around trying to find the wheel.

4) Use a stroller lock. A stroller is small to carry and easy to use; pull out the cable and lock it through the back wheels. This prevents the stroller from being rolled, but a park employee can still move it a short distance by lifting the back wheels. (Reminder: Theme parks are private property, so you do not want to lock it to an object like a bench or tree. The theme park may cut the cable and remove it).

5) Take a photo of your stroller before heading out the to theme parks. If something happens, being able to show someone exactly what your stroller looks like may help locate it.

6) If you are using a rental stroller: Purchase a damage waiver with the renting company. Stroller Care offers a flat rate damage waiver which protects you from accidental damage and theft of your rental stroller and accessories. Otherwise, you may be responsible for the cost of the stroller if you do not have protection.

What to do if you think your stroller has been taken:

1) Note that it is common for theme park employees to rearrange the stroller area to be able to fit the most strollers possible. Before you panic, walk around the entire area.

2) Warn a theme park employee. The employee will be able to call security, who will come and take a report about the theft.

3) If you are using a rental stroller: Warn the company. Stroller Care can provide a replacement within a few hours.

4) If you find yourself a victim of theft of your stroller and have trip insurance, inquire with the company if you can get any kind of compensation for your lost or stolen stroller.

Remember, stroller theft is not common at theme parks – but every few months stories pop up on people stealing strollers or items from strollers in the theme parks. Happy strolling!