First time at Disney with small children

First time at Disney with small children

October 1, 2019

Disney parks have the ability to delight and thrill adults and children. The first time you visit this universe tends to be an unforgettable moment in anyone’s life.

A lot of planning and months of anxiety are usually part of the life of those who will come to Orlando to know the Disney world and the anxiety and tension increases when those traveling are parents with young children.

The concern of everything being perfect for this first contact of children with their favorite characters is super understandable, so precisely to help those dads and moms who are lost where to start organizing the dream trip we made this post.

Keep reading and follow all the tips we have for those staying in Orlando and visiting Disney parks with children under 10 years.

The preparation

Accommodation and food

What you can not miss

Safety of the little ones

This was a very general and summarized post of the top tips for preparing to your trip with kids as well as the key points that need attention in Orlando and the parks.

We hope you enjoyed reading and keep following our content.