First time at Disney – What you can not miss

First time at Disney – What you can not miss

October 5, 2019

There are some characteristic Disney foods that you can not miss on your trip, you need to buy for your little ones and take a beautiful picture with the joy on their faces.

Try Mickey´s Premium Ice Cream Bar, that famous Mickey Ice Cream in the shape of a mouse head. In addition to being very cute it is also very tasty and refreshing. There is also Mickey’s crispy candy that comes topped with various goodies or classic chocolate, plus popcorn, churros, brownies and waffles. One thing that you should consider is buying the pop corn bucket! Not only it is really cute and easy to carry around, it is also cheaper to fill up, saving money and enjoying pop corn during your day. Another great advantage is that you can bring your bucket every time you come to Disney, saving it to the next time and including it to the checklist for your Disney’s trip. Nothing is simple at Disney, even the food comes with an extra portion of magic and charm.

It is very important to include baby carriage rental in your planning. Strollers are more than one size and are a good choice for children, they can rest when they feel exhausted and you can hang a cooler and whatever else you need in the stroller. StrollerCare strollers are delivered and collected wherever you staying and at any time you need and you do not have to be there to receive or return them (except at Disney hotels, where products must be delivered and collected in person). Count on us for ease and convenience when renting something for your child.

If you are going with children under 7 years of age, stroller rentals are almost mandatory so that they can make the most of the ride. Your little one will not be so tired and will have a little place of his own when he wants to take a nap. After all, you must not lack disposition to enjoy the parks.